Tacoma faces
an unprecedented
housing crisis.
Landlords hiked rents by 43% in Pierce County over the last five years and are evicting our neighbors at the highest rate in the state. Evictions and economic displacement hit communities of color hardest. Initiative #1 will stabilize housing for 100,000 Tacoma tenants, reducing homelessness and improving safety. It's backed by a coalition of unions, community & faith groups. Over 90% of the opposition's $365k is from outside Tacoma. These outside real estate interests are spreading lies about Initiative #1.
Tacoma voted the TENANT BILL
OF RIGHTS into law
Require six months notice for all rent increases
End school year evictions of children for late rent
Cap excessive
and unfair fees
and deposits
assistance for rent hikes over 5%
End deadly cold weather evictions
for late rent
Ban rent hikes
when code
violations exist
Tacoma for All
is continuing the
Movement for rights
On December 8th 2023, a new law regarding rental requirements for landlords and rental rights for tenants became effective in the City of Tacoma - the Tacoma Landlord Fairness Code.
This code provides tools for tenants across the city of Tacoma WA to fight for their rights within the civil systems available to us.
Pierce County Central Labor Council
Tacoma Pierce County Democratic Socialists of America
Service Employees International Union Local 775
AFSCME State Council 28
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 367
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 3000
Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) Local 443
International Association of Machinists (IAM) District 751
Washington State Low Income Housing Alliance
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
The Washington State Lived Experience Coalition
Tacoma Volunteer Outreach & Resources
Tacoma Fellowship of Reconciliation
Black Panther Party of Washington
Transit Riders Union of Washington
Tacoma Education Association
Party of Socialism & Liberation
Washington Poor People's Campaign
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Tacoma
House of Matthew
AFSCME Local 120
In Your Corner Home Health Care
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Mayor's Youth Commission
Freedom Socialist Party
The Conversation 253
Tacoma Tenants Union
Mattice Beauty Supply
Teamsters Local 117
Indivisible Tacoma
Oasis Youth Center
350 Tacoma
Law Office of Beverly Allen
Institute For Black Justice
Eastside for All
Duggan Homes
Service Employees International Union 775
Democratic Socialists of America
Yasmin Trudeau, Senator, 27th Legislative District
April Sims, President, Washington State Labor Council
Nathe Lawver, Secretary-Treasurer, Pierce County Central Labor Council
Patty Rose, Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus, Pierce County Central Labor Council
Melanie Morgan, State Representative, 29th District
Chelsea McElroy, Director, Tacoma Public Schools Position 4
Rosie Ayala, Board Commissioner, Metro Parks Tacoma
Justin Camarata, Chair - 27th Legislative Dist Dems, Former Tacoma City Council Member, District 2
Chris Beale, Former Tacoma City Council Member, District 5
Shalom Agatrap - Pastor, First United Methodist Church
John Stroeh, Pastor, Peace Lutheran Church
Nate Bowling, Former Washington Teacher of the Year, Host, Nerd Farmer Podcast
Kaitlan Ohler, Director, Imagine Justice Project
Tafona Ervin, Executive Director, Foundation for Tacoma Students
Bill Hanawalt, Former Tacoma School Board Candidate
Danette Knudson, Director, College Success Foundation
Devin Rydel Kelly, Director of Research, Evaluation & Data, Foundation For Tacoma Students
Michael Whalen, Executive Board member of UFCW 367 and the Pierce County Central Labor Council
Kimi Ginn, Activist with Vibrant Schools
Amber Burch, Pierce County Analyst
Betsy Naymon, Housing Researcher
Beverly Allen, Founding Attorney, Owner - Law Office of Beverly Allen
Jamika Scott, City Council District 3 Candidate
Mattice Hoyt, Owner, Mattice Beauty Supply
Michael Williams, Teacher and Building Rep, Tacoma Education Association
Oneida Arnold, Retired Education & Conversation 253 V Team
Courtney Love, Director of State & Local Advocacy, Washington State Lived Experience Coalition
Jennifer Barfield, Association Representative, Tacoma Education Association
Jennifer Dawson-Miller, Professional Change Facilitator
Daniel Hasbun, Educator
Shandra Witke, Educator
Hannah-Clarke Gilmore, Real Estate Agent
Kimi Ginn, Community Activist, Vibrant Schools
Marlene Mansulla
John Corso
Devin Glaser, Staff Attorney, Tenant Law Center
Bobby Ocasio, Social Worker
Martin Gross
Emily Hernandez
Andra Kranzler, Directing Attorney, Tenant Law Center
Kimberly Flaherty
Tanja Ownbey
Ash Meer, Staff Attorney, Tacoma Pro Bono
Jim Williams, Ph.D, Retired Social Worker & Educator
Jordan Mondau
Carl Anderson
Catelynn Henion
ChaNell Marshall
Chelsea Smile
Daniel Woody - Shop Steward, WFSE 443
Gemini Gnull
Amy Peggram
Jeremy Irons